Copywriting & messaging blog — full of writing tips and tricks,

and other tenuously linked musings…

Parenting Laura McNerlin Parenting Laura McNerlin

[Suburban] Life in the time of Covid-19

Home-schooling as a freelance copywriter, what could be easier?

I’m pretty good at staying at home. I was a ‘stay-at-home-mum’ for six years. Now I’m a freelancer, and you’ve got to be pretty good at ‘staying at home’ for that. The problem is that ‘staying at home’ now also applies to my kids…

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Parenting Laura McNerlin Parenting Laura McNerlin

Lessons from a four year old

It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.

After an excitement-filled, sugar-infused and slightly germy Christmas, my four-year old’s eyes welled up as we approached the school gates on a grim January morning…

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