Messaging Strategy & Conversion Copy

Websites and emails for service-based businesses

“Laura operates like a coach and is very skilled at what she does. She understands the business and can stand back and capture our stories brilliantly.”

Julia Brown - CEO, Brandon Centre

Cartoon people drawing on a white board with a giant pencil

Messaging that captures your je ne sais quoi and attracts your perfect-fit clients?

It can be done. But how?

Research. Strategy. Conversion Copy.

Your voice merges with your perfect client’s voice.

Your what, who and why build genuine connections.

And conversion copywriting techniques encourage action = more sales.

Cartoon people moving messaging around a screen

Here’s my no-fluff approach to creating high-converting, persuasive (not pushy) messaging.


Research and understand your Voice of Customer (VOC)

Find out what your customers really think and supercharge your messaging

 What is this step? 

Client interviews, fully approved by you, and carried out with utmost care


VOC is the golden thread that ties together irresistible offers. I record and scrutinise conversations to understand what brought your clients to you, what nearly stopped them, why they chose you, and how that made them feel. By understanding your clients’ thoughts and mirroring their language in your messaging, we attract more, perfect-fit clients to your offer.




Clarify your core messaging strategy

Build trust and loyalty in your best-fit clients with a research-based, persuasive messaging strategy


What is this step?

 We create your bespoke messaging strategy focusing on brand, market, and customers.

Diagram showing Market, Customer and Brand coming together into conversion copywriting



Connect the two with conversion-focused copy

Bring together the research and the strategy with high converting copy that leverages Voice of Customer, communicates your brand personality, and brings case studies to life.


What is this step?

I write your customer-focused web page or email copy combining your unique personality with our shiny new messaging strategy (step 2) and proven formulas that focus on encouraging your best-fit clients to take action. 


cartoon handshake

What’s included?

  • 60-minute briefing call

  • Client interview invitation email and bespoke questionnaire creation

  • Client interviews scheduled and carried out via zoom (3-5 of approx 40 minutes)

  • Voice of Customer report

  • Messaging recommendations

  • Conversion-focused copy delivered in an easy-to-implement copy deck

Find out more about how I work here.

Trusted by:

Women'secret client logo
Catalyst Housing Group, client logo
JBi Digital, client logo
SEAT logo
Loch Associates client logo
AXA health logo
Brandon Centre client logo
AchievinGoals client logo

“Laura gave my website copy a much-needed revamp and I couldn’t be happier with the result. She really took the time to understand my rather niche services and target audience and crafted professional yet personable copy – exactly what I was looking for.”

Dean Evans – Patent Translator at Dean Evans Translations Ltd.

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