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AND download your FREE Quick Guide to Good Copywriting today

    Want your content to work harder for your business but not sure where to start?

    Copywriters use tried and tested techniques to make their copy compelling, and more likely to drive action.

    I’ve put together 5 (½) of the best (and easiest to implement) tips in my FREE Quick Guide to Good Copywriting.

    The guide will help you to make your copy super-relevant to your reader, and therefore more likely to drive sales.

    You’ll find how to:

    • use one important word more often, and make your copy immediately more engaging

    • tap into the conversation already happening in your customer’s head

    • talk about your product or service, but make it sound like it’s all about your reader

    You could even start implementing some of the tips today. They’re not tricky, but really effective.

    (The last tip’s an obvious one, so only gets ½ a point, but it’s something that’s really important, and often forgotten.)

    Sign up for the Guide, and other copywriting and messaging advice, in the form above.

    Thanks for being here.